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1. Students will be able to identify the specific aspects of Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth—Archetypes and The Hero’s Journey.

2. Students will be able to discuss as a group the characteristics of each point on the timetable of monomyth, and compare and contrast the elements using at least two popular story examples. 3. Students will develop a plan for their favorite story analysis diagram projects that includes specific information about which story they’ve chosen and why.



1. Students will be able to identify elements of monomyth—from character representation to points on the Hero’s Journey—present in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, by James Thurber during whole group discussion.

2. Students will demonstrate solid reading skills during the read-aloud, which includes confident attempts with difficult words, if applicable.

3. Students will define each vocabulary word and be able to identify the nonsense word in the list.

4. Students will outline their own stories starting with a brainstorm or outline and character sketch that includes an itemization of each archetype and how each fits into the story.



1. Students will write their stories according to their outline.

2. Student stories will employ the following techniques: Dialogue, exposition, character development, and sensory language.

3. Students will demonstrate working knowledge of each archetype and stage of the Hero's Journey through development of their outline and character sketch.

4. Students will be able to speak with understanding about their assigned individual archetype during group discussion.



1. Student stories will employ the following techniques: Dialogue, exposition, character development, and sensory language.

2. Students will participate in peer editing and demonstrate understanding of the copyediting process through grammatical and spelling corrections.

3. Students will polish their stories and be able to identify each of the techniques listed above.

4. Students will construct stories with proper believability and pacing.



1. Students will prepare a short presentation of their poster and story that demonstrates working knowledge of each aspect of the Hero's Journey and the archetypes.

2. Students will engage their audience during their presentations by referring to notes only when absolutely necessary and making eye contact.

3. Students will use a voice volume appropriate to the setting so that everyone may hear.

4. Students will present projects that are neatly organized and understandable, and their presentations will reflect as much.

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